Sunday, January 20, 2013

Responce essay toward movie "Brave"

  "Brave" was about conflicts between Princess Merida and Queen Elinor. Merida had to fight with her own fate, having adventures and fighting along the way. The movie was very enjoyable and worth watching it. It was not only fun but also made me feel mother's love.
   There are scenes of Elinor scolding Merida. We could simply think that the queen is too harsh to her daughter. But if we think more deeply, we can see Elinor's care for her daughter Merida. She wanted Merida to become a wonderful princess that behaved formally.
   There are many scenes that showed the big conflicts between Meria and her mother Elinor. In the beginnig  of the movie, Elinor told Merida that she had to prepare for the marriage. Merida was shocked and went out to the country, riding a horse named Angus. Then she found a wisp. She followed it and met a witch . She then made her mother change in to a bear!
   Imagine that you became a bear because your child wanted you to change. Wouldn't you be so mad??  But Elinor just forgave her daughter Merida. I could not possibly do that!! Maybe it is because I didn't become a parent yet. Anyway she forgave her daughter, even though the situation seemed to be really desperaye. She tried to understood the Merida's behavior. She even helped her daughter to make the most persuasive speech in front of all or other family's in cluding Dingwall, Macintosh. That is only possible with the truthful love!! I was so touched
  There was 1 scene that really scared me in the movie. It was about a bear named Mor'du attacking people, including Merida. At that time, Elinor, who was turnde in to a bear, attaked Mor'du and defended her daughter. It seems like non-sense, but really Elinor seems don't need to have a common sense to save her child.
    I really could not understand how parents feel, but after seeing this movied, I really want to marry and be a parent and have my own children. In Korea there is a proverb that really well matched with the situation in the movie "Brave" The prover is 'Women is weak but the mother is strong"
    In conclusion,"Brave" is a great movie to watch with one's with their own family, whom especially when with their mom's relationship is bad and they don't want to listen to each other. This movie will help to cure the conflicts or fighet between themselves. Also it has good lessons for kids who really don't know about parent's love. I would recommend this movie not oly just because it is entertaining but also because it is educational . I strongly felt that I was really lucky ti have an opportunity yo watch the movie "Brave". I am very thankful to miss Angela Oakey

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